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Google Translate:'Hello I would like to know how to open the file but from a relative path in the project and it is not an absolute path in the computer, try this: Sello.CertificateData (@ '/ Keys / micertificado.cer', out certificate, out Certified number); But you can not find the file.' Relative paths depend on the environment: for a 'normal' application any path starting with '.' Is relative to the current directory:./Keys/micertificado.cer --->D:/MyProjects/MyApp/Binary/Release/Keys/micertificado.cerAnd '.'
Indicates the directory above:././Keys/micertificado.cer --->Pack Canciones Frets On Fire Torrent. D:/MyProjects/MyApp/Keys/micertificado.cer For a web based app, you can use '.' , but they are relative to the page folder, and you should really try to use Server.MapPath and '~' which indicates the root folder of your website. Server.MapPath translates a 'fixed relative' address to a path specification: ~/Keys/micertificado.cer --->D:/Websites/MySite/Keys/micertificado.cer. Hi, I really Thank you for the answer. What I am doing is a desktop application, and what I want is for my keys to be loaded into a specific path at the time of installing the application, so that no matter where the computer is installed, I can find my key files (.key and.cer). Already try what you proposed, however still does not find the files, what is tried is the following: sello.CertificateData( @'./Llaves/micertificado.cer', out certificado, out numeroCertificado); And sello.CertificateData( @' ~/Llaves/micertificado.cer', out certificado, out numeroCertificado); Can you help me? Siboneis 25-Feb-14 14:29 25-Feb-14 14:29 Hola Antonio, Sin dudas es el mejor articulo que he visto, sin contar que este proceso es muy especifico.
Respecto a la duda que tengo, para generar la firma digital de las constancias de retenciones a Empleados, no he encontrado una forma de leer la llave Privada uilizando los archivos.CER y/o.KEY, para llevar acabo la enriptacion RSA. Creo que estoy un tanto/mucho confundido de la manera de leer esta llave, realmente te agradeceria mucho Tu consejo al respecto. Gracias de antemano por la ayuda.
Hoy toca hablar de la parte interna, de la forma en la que WhatsApp almacena y gestiona los datos. Si observamos desde dentro la estructura de ficheros de la.