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Chrome Oxide - Music Collectors pages - Music Links - Warning: these pages are content-rich (a lot of text, and some graphics-size is currently 360kb). Average size is 30k-50k but some are as large as 200k, so they may take a while to load. Please be patient! Last updated by on INTERESTING MUSIC LINKS PAGE INDEX [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] specific groupings of links [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] MISC [] [] INTERESTING MUSIC LINKS WHAT's NEW: [] [] [] [] What's new on this web page?

If you see the date changing on this page, without an announcement in this section, it is probably something like fixing minor coding problems, spelling errors, minor layout changes, new page on this site (so I changed bottom index). Any major changes to this page, will be announced here.
July 18, 2005. I just noticed that the ezBoard message board that I had set up for this web site had been deleted.
Since restoration of the deleted conference is only available to subscribers to their service, and since the activity was relatively light, I not planning on looking for another message board. If you do think a message board is worth while, or you have a message board that you like, let me know and I may promote it here. As always you can me here. March 10, 2001. It looks like I may have been premature in moving to a new web hosting site. I just found out that whenever is having hardware or software problems with their servers, they put up a message for the webmaster that their site is in violation of terms, and the web site has been deleted (instead of a message about system problems and try again later). Anyway, I believed when they said they deleted my account, so I will be moving, and making my new home on the web.
March 10, 2001. As long as I am moving my entire site, I decided to make a few changes to the layout of the individual pages, and the web site in general, including (but not limited to) I removed the counter, and moved the listings of mirror sites to the bottom of the page. March 6, 2001. Sometime between March 1 to March 5, 2001 Tripod deleted my account/web site. The last stats Tripod gave me were 9,000+ visitors per month. Since my site is so popular, I have decided to keep it going, in spite of this major setback.
But rather than trying to build up another free web site, and possibly deal with this problem again, I decided go with to host the new. October 31, 2000. The new Chrome Oxide Music Collectors Pages Message Board is provided by EZBoard. February 27, 2000. In a letter to the editor of the Los Angeles Times Calendar section, Melissa Phelps Beckstead, of Westlake Village, figured out what the acronym GRAMMY really stands for: Genuine Repugnant Acts of Mediocre Mindless Yelling!
October 31, 1999. There used to be a complete listing of all the bands featured on this site at the bottom of each page on this site. The complete band list has now been moved to the. Back in June 1997 when I started this site, the index at the bottom of the page seemed like a good idea.
Due to the amazing growth of this site, I now think that the is a better way to do it. I will continue to list the featured band of the month at the bottom of each page on this site. December 3, 2002 CD Now is undergoing changes, and asked that ALL links be removed. October 28, 1999 I signed up with CD Now. October 22, 1999.
The Chrome Oxide Music Collector Pages web site hit the big time! And I didn't even know it. Tripod stats showed that this web site had more than 4,000 unique visitors last month (September 1999). Because of that, Tripod has increased my web space from 11mb to 50mb.
May 21, 1999. On the advice of legal counsel, we have now added a copyright notice, and legal disclaimer to the of each page on this web site. March 31, 1999. I started a new section on this page,. Now, if someone is interesed in putting an ad here, or I find something I think is worthwhile, there is a place for it. March 16, 1999. Thanks to a recent visitor to this page, we now have a logo for the Chrome Oxide Music Collectors Pages, as well as a new background and seperator bars.
There may be additional changes to look forward to as well. September 26, 1998 I changed the layout slightly. Now, each alphabetical section on this page has a complete alphabetical index. This makes the page slightly larger, but that should be offset by the added ease of maneuvering on the page. INTERESTING MUSIC LINKS Intro - music links [] [] [] [] Since I happen to like and collect music, I thought I would start creating a list of links of bands that I collect or that I thought were interesting. Because I have been doing this for a while, and because my interests have been changing, I have also been including links to music stores, magazines live venues.
Just about anything that seems to me to be music related. You might want to check here regularly, as I will be adding URLs as I come across them at in various shows, magazines.
This list of URLs is in a vaguely alphabetical order. Any additions/corrections/deletions to this list will be greatly appreciated. Because of the nature of the internet, even though these URLs were correct when I originally started working on this page, they may no longer be accurate.
Therefore, any additions/corrections/deletions to this list will be greatly appreciated. I am also interested in getting wider exposure for this site. So links from your site to mine would be appreciated. And if you know of any sites that allow/encourage submission, I would also appreciate knowing about them as well. Do you have any articles, books, albums, tapes, CDs. On this band that you would like reviewed and / or integrated into this page? Do you have any other band that you would like to see a page for on this site?
Please send to: Chrome Oxide P.O.Box 8106 Mission Hills, CA INTERESTING MUSIC LINKS A......................... [] [] [] [] Inventory: 11 Intriguing Lost Albums Bands of San Francisco, the darker end of the heavy metal spectrum. Specializes in the recording and selling of live events through the use of USB flash drive wristbands that are immediately available for sale after an event takes place. Discography a search engine for personal web sites analysis of past and present music trends based on RIAA statistics. For those interesterested in the art of album covers.
Music database (with reviews, biographies, album covers.). The George Harrison Album released on CD currently auctioning live show posters (with interesting show information) review - All My Loving (DVD) Tony Palmer's 1968 BBC Rock Music Documentary sessionography / discography / tourography by Chrome Oxide.
Blog Vinyl Vaults (rare music digitized for downloads) All-Female Bands of the 1960s - Happy Women's History Month! Movie about rock music and growing up in the 1970s 's songs include 'Junk Food Junkie', 'Stuck On You', 'Hopelessly Hetrosexual'.
LPs include Peter Alsop, Asleep At The Helm, Draw The Line, Uniforms, Fan Club Favorites., and e-mail to: or Altman's shooting life: Janis Joplin, the Stones, Jim Morrison; portraits/stories of Joe Montana, Groucho Marx. Altman is former chief photographer for Rolling Stone magazine. Blender's 50 Worst Things to Happen to Music sessionography / discography / tourography by Chrome Oxide.
Making fun of music, one song at a time (song parodies) Live Music Archive (download complete concerts).And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead The Lost Tapes - Box Set has photos of many bands who have recorded and played in Denmark since the 1960s. Sessionography / discography / tourography by Chrome Oxide. Live Music Archive (free, complete concert downloads) National Archives photographer photos by Henry Diltz. Music portal with news, information, product sales, ticket sales. Online retail catalog and gallery of the world's largest selection of collectable rock and roll music poster memorabilia. American Society of Composer, Authors and Publishers P.O.Box 1672, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 863-6748 from March 23, 1998 and other sources. Lot of links to audio resources RealMedia hosting service for serving RealAudio and RealVideo direct from your own web site or from theirs.
The Best Music Player Application for Windows magazine for desktop music listen to music, news, and information while you surf using Real Audio This page provides links to digitized sound archives available on the Internet. Cross-platform cross-format psychoacoustic audio compression iTunes (MAC player-encodeer). Plays, rips, burns CDs, unlimited MP3 encoding, support for streaming internet radio stations, jukebox. Windows Media (sound player) Windows Media Encoder (sound encoder) or Windows Media Player (sound player) APE - free, lossless-comporession utility for audio (Win) makers of various audio software program, including: virtual audio cable (redirect any audio stream from one device to another-ie. From audio player to recorder). Win decoder of APE files Check & Convert (scans batches of MP3s and deleting damaged ones MP3 to WAV conversion.) Win Pro Tools Free (8-track audio recorder/editor, MIDI sequencing.) (Mac, Win) MP3 Tag Clinic (edit/manage your ID3 MP3 Tags) MP3 Files Not Always Safe With Top Media Players File Sharing News search engine for sounds. Freeware GUI for the FLAC command line (console) program Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) Audio - MP3 (allows audio compression of 12-to-1) news, documentation, links.
Advanced sound tools with MP3, WMA, APE, Ogg Vorbis and WAV support. Or music and MP3 Resource Directory (links) (software, sound, search engines.) news, reviews, links. Layer 3 MPEG audio player and encoding solution.
Download MP3s or order custom CDs. Open source CD to MP3 ripper. MP3 players Linux OS for combination car radio, GPS navigator, MP3 player.
Aka Goodnoise, offering digital music online, web chat, MPs., makers of Total Recorder, multiple format sound/audio recording software (uses virtual sound card to record streaming audio). Record/overdub/segueing MP3 and WAV files from Creative Labs analyzes and adjusts / normalizes mp3 files so that they have the same volume. Edit metadata of common audio formats MPEG-I Audio Layer 3 (MP3) info. Record, download, organize and play MP3 music with MusicMatch Jukebox - the world's first integrated MP3 software solution. Nomad Jukebox, a portable digital audio player and voice recorder, and site has downloadable mp3's., makers of, SHOUTcast (streaming audio software).
Nullsoft (makers of and SHOUTcast recently sold to AOL. News, information. About Gnutella audio and video player makers of S3 portable MP3 player (hardware), Rio Reciever (network audio device). Or free player (MP3, CDs.) with 20 band equalizer and variable speed playback. MP3 player for Mac MP3 player for Mac makers of MP3-Wolf (MP3 searcher and downloader)., a Windows MP3 player around (520K). Lots of available. Nullsoft (makers of and SHOUTcast) recently sold to AOL.
XingMP3 encoder (convert WAV into MP3), Audio Catalyst. The MP3 And Internet Audio Handbook (buy it here) (read sample chapters online) Major music labels test unrestricted MP3 files Audio - MP3 to WAV (allows audio compression of 12-to-1) Gets MP3s off the Web, plays them or can convert and record them as regular CDs. Will also convert CD tracks to MP3s. Downloads your favorite music, lets you listen to it, and burn it to a CD in One Click.
It contains built in tutorials, and an additional 150 alternative MP3 sites. Gets MP3s off the Web, plays them or can convert and record them as regular CDs. Will also convert CD tracks to MP3s.
List of MP3 to WAV converters, MP3 encoders, MP3 decoders, CD rippers, CD burners, audio grabbers and more. All in one CD audio, video ripper, encoder, decoder, player, organizer and much more. Is a source for portable MP3 players. A complete list of MP3 players available can be found on their site. Tutorial teaches how to take mp3 music and create wav files and CDs. XingMP3 encoder (convert WAV into MP3), Audio Catalyst. Turn MP3 files into EXE files.
Audio - Audio to MP3 audo conversion createing the best possible MP3s. Program to install and configure Easy CD Ripper is an all-in-one music tool for CD ripping, and med ia file converting. (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder) (LGLP'd MP3 encoder) (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder) LAME (Lame Aint an MP3 Encoder) - LAME is an educational tool to be used for learning about MP3 encoding. The goal of the LAME project is to improve the psycho acoustics, quality and speed of MP3 encoding.
MP3 encoder (free) MP3 Strip_It! (conver CD audio track to MP3) Audio - Audio Extraction program to install and configure (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder) (LGLP'd MP3 encoder) CD Digital Audio Extraction, Win 95 DAT (Digital Audio Extraction) program. Unofficial EAC Page & CDR Trading Resource Digital Audio Extraction (DAE) tutorials, FAQs, aticles, links, message baord, chat room. Extracts digital audio to WAV without CD-R authoring programs. CD-R(W) Information. News, archives, software, hardware, tutorials, articles, glossary, links. Normalizer Audio - Audio Creation open source cross platfrom sound editor (free) AVS Audio Editor (fee) (fee) Studio One music creation and production software (free for personal use) audio editor (free) ACID Xpress Music Creation and Mixing Software Audio Portals: The Best Streaming Music Services You Aren't Using (But Should) e-zine with news, information, tutorials, links.
Source-Specific Multicast Protocol links about streaming media. Annotated links to streaming video resources, products and articles. Audio for a2b music player MP3 and Liquid Audio downloads Bargain Music: find hundreds of CDs at prices as low as $5.99 Essential s: discover the must-have CDs in hundreds of styles New & Future Releases: check out what's hot today--and what will be tomorrow Free Downloads: download more than 120 songs by top artists music portal/promotion site connecting bands with labels and fans. Music tools community (news, tutorials, links.) MP3 Tutorial (legal, technical.) (peer to peer file sharing P2P).
News index of music sorted by title, artist, and 30 genres. Glossary of musical styles music portal/promotion site low quality recorder of streaming internet audio online music videos. Free and fee MP3. Distributed system for publishing information over the internet (peer to peer file sharing P2P). Music portal/promotion site - music label for underground sounds, but with big name producers (Jerry Harrison, Brian Eno, Sir George Martin.) partners portal/search engine for finding digital music, movies and videos on the internet or or or (internet based peer to peer file sharing P2P client). The Gnute search engine is NOT peer to peer. Client software for sharing music, audio, video.
(peer to peer file sharing P2P) cyberjukebox. Host web pages for unsigned artists with MP3s. Offering digital music online, music videos, concert listings, artist features, streaming audio. (peer to peer file sharing P2P). Liquid Audio 500,000+ MP3s. MP3 sharing an MP3 search site MP3 lists top 20 MP3 search engines. Lists Shoutcast servers.
Downloads, and info on software, hardware, other MP3 sites. Human beings are naturally robbers and you feel you're doing good by taking, because you know the labels are taking from the artists. Music producer and actor Ice-T explaining 's popularity at the Herring on Hollywood conference in Los Angeles (July 2000). Music portal/promotion site peer to peer music sharing service. Connect your computer to the internet to become a music server (Windows only) (peer to peer file sharing P2P). Clone of Naptser software for Mac or clone of Naptser software for Mac clone of Naptser software for Mac story from C soundtrack allows user to remix audio. Free music downloads Windows Media, audio for Windows Media Player Microsoft site that sells tunes.
100 Fiches Vocabulaire Espagnol Pdf Download. Special offer (make 2 free custom CDs) streaming media services music portal/promotion site (peer to peer file sharing P2P). Primer on Streaming Media streaming media starter kit. Tunes from independent artists, live concerts.
Music and spoken word. Includes area for unsigned artists, MP3s of well know and unknown bands. Or portal/search engine for finding digital music, movies and videos on the internet search engine for 7 million+ streaming media files (peer to peer file sharing P2P). Fee based MP3 download (peer to peer file sharing P2P). Online music videos. Multimedia search company with 2.7 million+ links to content MP3 sharing free music downloads download music site 's video search engine (on the Real Networks web site) Audio - Streaming Audio Sites: allow you to stream other audio formats compatible with Liquid Audio QuickTime Streaming Server advantages of RTP/RTPS and HTTP streaming compression formats supported by QuickTime Darwin Streaming Server (open source version of Apple QuickTime Streaming Server - runs on FreeBSD, Red Hat Linux, Solaris, Windows 2000 and NT), a lightweight way to stream audio. Online radio station., radio, TV, news, sports, entertainment.
Music, sports, talk, TVNews. IP/TV 3400 Series Servers (streaming media servers), makers of Emblaze streaming audio that doesn't need a plugin (but does require Java). Live webcasts, concert archives, genre-base radio stations. Java-based streaming media server (open source) streaming media server (runs on SGI IRIX, Red Hat Linux, Solaris.) streaming audio solution is not as well-known, but has some interesting and impressive features. Virtual broadcast radio (create your own station-but you must download their software) links to 2000+ radio stations worldwide, makers of, SHOUTcast (streaming audio software). RealSystem Producer Plus (streaming media encoder), RealServer Plus (streaming media server) virtual broadcast radio (create your own station-but you must download their software), indie radio. Create your own online show (a streaming audio site-online radio station) broadcasts 1.5 million songs per day on over 100 channels.
Streaming media server (runs on Windows NT) customize your own radio station. Internet Wave, live and on-demand audio system does not require a special audio server. Client/server streaming audio and voice chat products., using emblaze streaming audio that doesn't need a plugin (but does require Java). StreamWorks, client/server audio supports live and on-demand broadcasting. Audio - Streaming Media News Sites: Audio - Streaming Media Content Sources: Audio - Streaming Media Servers:, makers of SHOUTcast (streaming audio software). Nullsoft (makers of and SHOUTcast recently sold to AOL., makers of MGW 2000 (streaming audio hardware/software)., makers of RealServer (streaming audio software)., makers of ThunderCastIP (streaming audio software).
Industrial Strength Video Processing Animate Your Wit Adobe's Flash Gets Panned The Wizard Of Web Images Visual Studio 7 Is Worth The Wait Audio - Streaming Media/Video Players: Windows Media Player audio and video player Audio Electronics (home/car audio systems) Sites: makers of XD-DV370 DVD/MP3 (MP3 player for home stereo system). (non-computer MP3 player) makers of AK00 KIMA (transmitter/receiver for computer/stereo connection). Makers of Jukebox 6000. (non-computer MP3 player), Jukebox Recorder (also functions as a USB hard drive). Message boards (hardware, music.), links. High end audio market place.
Internet music devices makers of ARQi-20 (MP3 player for home stereo system). (non-computer MP3 player) message board, classified ads, tutorials, links.
Makers of MP3J, MP1000 MPDJ. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of WMP-I MP3 Wrist Audio Player. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of Nomad Jukebox (6GB data storage), Nomad II. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of iPAQ Personnal Audio Player PA-I. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of DUO-MP3, DUO-Aria. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of DeskTop Media Production resources makers of Eigerman F20. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of Tavarua (CD/MP3 player).
(non-computer MP3 player) makers of PJB-100. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of IJ-50. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of Pocket Concert. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of HipZip. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of MC3 (combination MP3 palyer and digital camera/recorder). Makers of audior recording hardware.
Makers of MP3/CD Portable Player (CD/MP3 player). (non-computer MP3 player) makers of MPD850CP (CD/MP3 player). (non-computer MP3 player) makers of Nike psa-play 120. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of D'music SM-320V, SA6400, CD/MP3 Player. (non-computer MP3 player) makers of Rush SA101. (non-computer MP3 player), burn your MP3s onto CDs, and this portable will play them.
Makers of S3, Diamond, Rio 500, Rio Digital Audio Receiver (MP3 player for home stereo system). (non-computer MP3 player) makers of Rome II UP-322.
(non-computer MP3 player) makers of rave: mp2100. (non-computer MP3 player) Your Source for Mp3 Players and Accessories Rio 600 (portable MP3 player) makers of Sony Network Walkman NW-S4, Sports Network Walkman.
(non-computer MP3 player) USB DAC connects your computer to your stereo audio hardware for your PC or MAC. Makers of ZapStation (MP3 player for home stereo system). (non-computer MP3 player) Online A/V Magazine - Is The CD Becoming Obsolete? Organic looking turntables and speakers (rock, folk, alternative.) INTERESTING MUSIC LINKS B......................... [] [] [] [] or or, books abouts music, musicians and musical instruments. The Rock Art Poster Auction sessionography / discography / tourography by Chrome Oxide.
Danny Sheridan-bass (David Allan Coe), Bonnie Bramlett-vocals (Eric Clapton, Allman Brothers, Delaney and Bonnie), Dallas Taylor-drums (CSNY, Steven Stills), Jimmy Crespi-guitar (Aerosmith) mapping the rock'n roll genome (what is the connection between 2 different bands). Fee based web site builder and web site hoster for bands. Open Letter To Lester Bangs. MusicTracker music database (inventory your music collection) discography photos and album covers CD Trustee - Music Database then and now Classic album covers issued as stamps has direct links to a few MP3 search engines or live music, information service.
Music news, reviews, links. A Quick Guide To Classic Rock/Pop Music Flower Power - Classic pop, reappraised by the Magazine while the band no longer exists, you can see what the individual members are up to these days. Beatles extensive resources, and links. Beatles, Byrds, 50's/60's music A searchable collection of Beatles album covers (GIF) arranged by year. Discography, details of Beatles books. Discography 1962 - 1970 A Hard Day's Night.
Links to all kinds of fan sites. A Beatles Fan Site Community with: chat, discography, vintage newspaper/magazine clips and hourly news updates. The Unauthorized Beatles: A Long And Winding Road (Collectors Edition) (5DVD set) the smallest Beatles museum worldwide. Beatles News The Beatles' Remastered Albums Due September 9, 2009 Beatles Fans Await Upgraded Re-Releases The Beatles On-Screen: A Long And Winding Road A bootleg look at The Beatles by Jeff Baker, November 24, 2006 Beatles tunes being prepped for download British designate Abbey Road historic site Beatles archivist who has seen it all gets '64 D.C.
Show back to the big screen sessionography / discography / tourography by Chrome Oxide. Southern California blues musician.
Announcement -123321: I've seen it on the big screen and it was okay. The only thing that I really hate about this movie i. -CtheKid: Looks absolutely amazing! Looking forward to watching this! -raftoy: Lots of smiles while watching this movie, enjoyed the charming characters, creativity, color, speci.
-Lsawyer1583: Very funny -Lsawyer1583: Great movie -boytalk: Great movie. Great acting. A little predictable, but great. Good bit of action. -boytalk: If the first one wasn't so epic, I would almost be able to say that this one was better.
-boytalk: Good film. Renner was very good as usual. Worth watching & prompted me to read up on the true facts. -boytalk: This is one of the very few times that Americans were given the truth on a platter, and the reaction. -admin: This is a damn shame you grow azz people on here acting like litte kids grow up!!!
He has fame, tale. -bbgirl: Great actors and a few funny scenes, but nonetheless I was expecting a bit more from the movie. -bbgirl: goood movie! Worth a watch but,, the storyline is like the movie ' The One of Jet Li ' ------------------------------------------------------------- - Let send the link your favorite movies with your friends or post to facebook, twitter, blog, forum to share with your friends.
Copyright © 2016 Watch32 All rights reserved. Page generated in 0,05 seconds Disclaimer: Watch32 is absolutly legal and contain only links to other sites on the Internet, Watch32 do not host or upload any video, films, media files (avi, mov, flv, mpg, mpeg, divx, dvd rip, mp3, mp4, torrent, ipod, psp), is not responsible for the accuracy, compliance, copyright, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of other linked sites. If you have any legal issues please contact the appropriate media file owners or host sites. We only accept for an actual link to be removed. You should be emailed to.