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From time to time, questions are posted on what is the best schematic- or PCB-design program. As a service, members of created this list: This introduction- and instruction-post, and then a single post per program. The pro's and con's are discussed, cost, where to download, and an example.
This thread will be dynamic: post your input, comments etc. Your input will be processed by a moderator, (I will do that for the kick-off), such that a comprehensive thread results. Discussions are allowed:), but those posts will disappear in the end, and only the result will be published.
That may be a challenge. But let's give it a try;) Nard Jan 26 2009: Thread tidied up Note: if you have created your own library for your favorite design-program, don't hesitate to post it in this thread. Also usefull links are welcome. ExpressSch and ExpressPCB URL:; no costs Required OS: Windows Description: The downloaded package holds 2 programs: - ExpressSch For schematic entry, files are stored in a proprietary form (.sch ), but can be edited by other users. The schematic can also be exported as.bmp in various resolutions. 200 dpi is preferred. Use your favorite program to turn that into a.png before posting here on - ExpressPCB To create a pcb-design.
It is linked to the schematic. The output-file is proprietary to For a fee they will provide the Gerber-files. Usernotes: tpappano: Expresspcb has a nice free schematic program along with their board layout program.
Easy to use, and they turn out pretty nice boards as well. The cad files are a proprietary format, but ExpressPCB can supply you with Gerbers if you want them. The charge for the Gerbers (so far) has been $60.00 You simply request them via email using the board order number, and they email very promptly. The charge is added to the same credit card you placed the board order on.
Plons: I use the ExpressSch program to do schematics and did not use their pcb-service. The learning-curve for this program is flat: you can start right away after installing the program. A comprehensive 'How to get started.' Can be found in the Help-menu. Keyboard shortcuts: W for Wire, F for FullScreen. It's almost self-explanatory.
Mouse-wheel zooms. Creating new symbols is very simple. My rating: an A!
Marzipan: A major downside is that the components aren't automatically connected to their footprint. Once you've made the schematic you have to again add each component to the board design, even though the two files are linked. Not very efficient.
I agree that it's very user friendly and intuative and that the getting started manual is awesome. The schematic library is refreshingly easy to browse. However it is very limited. You'll find a large online community with a library of components you can add at Contributions by: tpappano, Plons, Marzipan. Usefull links: You can find there a ExpressSch components library that I created for my own convenience, but feel free to use it (edit it, improve it, etc.) Attached: exported schematic (converted to.png) as example; if you wish to post the.sch-file, zip it first.
Eagle URL:; freeware; full version, several packages For pricing: OS: Packages for Windows, Linux and Mac (FreeBSD users: works well with the Linuxulator) The following limitations apply to the EAGLE Light Edition in general: * The useable board area is limited to 100 x 80 mm (4 x 3.2 inches). * Only two signal layers can be used (Top and Bottom). * The schematic editor can only create one sheet. Description: Very popular package amongst AVRfreaks. Usernotes: Smiley: I use Eagle mainly because there is a free version and I've already climbed most of the learning curve.
Sparkfun has a tutorial: and there is a manual and tutorial that are installed in the /doc directory. Eagle seems to be a command line program that has had a Windows IDE tacked on to it. The IDE is a bit clunky at times and it helps to think in terms of the underlying command line structure. There is an unlabeled command line window above the drawing area and sometimes it is easier to enter commands there than try to figure out how to do something graphically.
BatchPCB is a good way to get inexpensive PCBs and it has a tutorial on converting Eagle files into files suitable for production. One thing that I have to force myself to remember is to set the View Grid to 0.1' at the very first before adding or moving anything. Some library parts are on an odd grid so you might have to set the grid smaller to move that part back to the main grid, then be sure and reset the grid to 0.1'.
I'm not saying you should or even can get all parts on a board at 0.1' but IMHO it is best to start with that setting and only vary from it if it is really necessary. A good example of using Eagle in an open source project can be seen for the Arduino at: Marzipan: Eagle Cad can do everything you need it to do but the learning curve is so huge that it's hardly worth it. You have to be willing to spend some serious time with the tutorials if you want to use it. And be prepared for a mission every time you want to find out how to do something new. Not even the cut and paste keyboard shortcuts are standard! Contributions by: Smiley, Marzipan, mikeperks. Xmega library by mikeperks.
Freepcb URL:; freeware On the homepage a nice example is shown, so no need to attach it here. OS: Windows Description: FreePCB is a free, open-source PCB editor for Microsoft Windows, released under the GNU General Public License. It was designed to be easy to learn and easy to use, yet capable of professional-quality work.
It does not have a built-in autorouter, but it can use the FreeRoute web-based autorouter. Some of its features are: * 1 to 16 copper layers * Board size up to 60 inches by 60 inches * Uses English or metric units (i.e. Mils or mm) for most functions. * Footprint libraries courtesy of Ivex Design International Inc. * Copper fill areas * Footprint Wizard and Footprint Editor for creating or modifying footprints * Imports and exports PADS-PCB netlists * Exports extended Gerber files (RS274X) and Excellon drill files * Design rule checker * Autosave Usernotes: johnrk: I have used FreePCB to create the last three boards for my low vision barcode reader, I used ExpressPCB on the first version. I have also sampled other layout software such as PCB Artist (a proprietary program offered by Advanced Circuits) and the freeware version of Eagle (mention above). In all of these programs I have always found the generation of, and/or access to footprint libraries as the biggest hurdle to overcome.
And, when I first began using FreePCB it had the unique FOOTPRINT WIZARD! Inputting the package dimensions from your chosen components printed datasheet the FOOTPRINT WIZARD created a custom footprint that could then be saved in the 'User' library folder and added to your PCB again and again!
Additionally, you can toggle parts in-and-out of your board layout to make minor adjustments. All of this sounds good but can leave you chewing your fingernails if you have to interpolate the width of a surface mounted pad based on the 'range' of widths offered on some datasheets. In this case I would order my components and have them at my side when using the FP Wizard. After generating the footprint I would import them into a Gerber viewer and print them out to scale with my laser printer. I could then physically lay the component on the printout to check for proper alignment. The Gerber viewer I use is a trial version of Viewmate (9.4.73) offered by PentaLogix.
This program has the capability to print your entire board to scale. I know there are many different upgrades and add-ons available for FreePCB offered by the vibrant community of users at and I know that many have said that schematics from TinyCAD () can be imported but, I myself have never done so. When I begin a schematic I usually print out the pin-outs from the datasheet of the various components I plan to use. I then cut out the layout with a scissors and paste them to a large piece of drafting paper, penciling in the connections between pins. At this point I go to my local print shop and have a copy made. From there I lay all my traces by hand in FreePCB!
One final note: If you are a novice you may want to choose a local board house (like Advanced Circuits) that can help you to configure the software to generate the CAM files properly. The nomenclature can be daunting and most board houses will not correct your mistakes. However, the 'free call back' service offered by AC circuits is priceless for a novice!!
Marzipan: FreePCB does not include a schematics editor. You have to enter your netlist by hand! But would suggest that newbies to PCB design read the getting started doc, it has a super introduction to the PCB designing process, something often overlooked by manuals (which assume you have some idea of what you're doing). What do you, other users, use for schematic entry?
How is the autorouter-package? Contributions by: johnrk, Marzipan. Bartels AutoEngineer URL:; Bartels AutoEngineer® (BAE for short from now on) The free BAE Schematic Editor generates a netlist that can be used in BAE and third party layout systems, simulation tools and FGPA design systems. The BAE Light version for PCB-design costs €159 plus VAT and delivery. (For details pls. See the site of BAE) There's a completely free version that only enables the schematic capture (no layout), with all its features (including hierarchical design).
Using just a different license key, this version also serves as the demo version which has all features but cannot create any external file (like Gerber, PDF.). OS: Windows, Linux and various X11/Unix systems.
(FreeBSD users: works well with the Linuxulator) Description: Is a professional, complete CAE-package. Starts with BAE Light, the entry level system for double-sided PCBs up to euro format size (160 × 100 mm). The Bartels Autorouter as well as all other BAE Professional features and User Language are included in this price.
There is a growth-path to heavier versions of BAE. Pulsonix URL: Required OS: Windows Description: It's a very easy to use full professional package with an excellent (optional) autorouter. Pricing starts at $1750 for a basic 1000 pin version. That might seem expensive, compared to other products like Eagle, but given that designs can be completed in a fraction of the time they take with Eagle, it is actually very good value. Pulsonix actually competes with mid-range packages like PADS, OrCAD and Altium Designer, and is much cheaper than them. Pulsonix combines schematic entry and PCB layout in the one program.
It conforms fully to Windows standards and was developed using OOP techniques from the outset, making it easy to add new features and fix problems, without introducing additional bugs. Usernotes: leon_heller: Schematic entry is very intuitive - just select the parts needed from the libraries (a preview of the schematic symbol and PCB footprint is provided), place the parts, and connect them. Unlike Eagle, the pins don't have to be on the current grid to be properly connected; the connection 'jumps' to the nearest pin, if necessary. There is a very useful electrical rules check, which identifies any anomalies, like unconnected pins, unfinished connections, and so on. Components that need to be close together can be 'grouped', and the groups are carried forward to the PCB.
The most commonly used operations are available via the right mouse button, or via single-key commands which are user-definable. When the schematic is finished Translate to PCB converts it to a PCB. The user can select whether the parts are to go into a component bin, or are placed directly onto the PCB (a PCB profile can be selected if required).
If they are in the bin, an autoplacement facility is available, I don't find it very useful. A nice feature is 'Cross Probe' which switches between the PCB and schematic, with selected parts highlighted in both. 'Force-vectors' are provided when moving parts, indicating the optimum position for minimising the connection length. Manual routing is very straightforward, with lots of options which make it fast and easy - like on-line DRC, and an indication when the track is on the pad to which it needs to be connected. Double-clicking can be set so as to terminate the track, or end on a via. Off-grid routing works very well, and tracks always connect exactly to the pad centre.
A basic autorouter is provided and the Electra autorouter is available as an option. It's fully integrated, and does an excellent job.
The PCB can be synchronised with the schematic, and any problems arising from, say, updating a part from the library in the schematic without updating it in the PCB can be identified and fixed. Very comprehensive design rule checks are available, including some of the more esoteric ones that can affect PCB manufacture, like drill backoff and mirrored text. Part creation is straightforward, with pin- and gate-swapping. Nets can be assigned to pins in the part editor, and unconnected pins are allowed, avoiding clutter on a schematic by not showing the power connections. Net types can be defined for each pin, including no-connects, making it very easy to avoid silly mistakes in the design. Pin names and numbers can be copied from data sheets and pasted directly into the part editor, saving a lot of typing.
FPGAs have special requirements and are supported. Excellent reporting facilities are provided, and user scripts can be defined for custom reports, like a particular BOM format. Wizards are provided for footprint and schematic symbol creation for virtually every type of part, including BGAs. Pads of any shape can be created manually, if required. Schematic and PCB designs, and part libraries, may be imported from most other popular packages, including Eagle. A lower-cost package more suitable for hobbyists and students is Easy-PC: I used it for over 20 years.
A special version of Easy-PC is available free from Advanced Circuits: They distribute Pulsonix in the USA. Contributions by: leon_heller.
SprintLayout URL:; € 39.90 On the homepage a nice example is shown, but I attached one of my designs with our AVRfreaks logo, imported as scanned copy. Demo versions can be downloaded from These versions have some restrictions, but nevertheless you can test the software and get a good impression of their functionality. All demos are easy to install and uninstall. OS: Windows Description: With Sprint-Layout you can design your PCB’s quick and easy. There is no unnecessary “ballast” which makes it difficult to keep the overview or which makes the usage almost impossible. Because of the logical and understandable strucure of Sprint-Layout the usage is very easy to learn.
So finally, you can concentrate to the essential thing: Designing and optimizing your PCB-layouts. Sprint-Layout offers all needed functions to design your own layouts. Of course, there is an extensive library with all common components included. With the free viewer-software for Sprint-Layout it is possible for everybody to view or print your layouts. Usernotes: Plons: I see this program as a very advanced drawing program. And advanced with PCB-design in mind.
The viewer-software is much more than a viewer: it allows you to calibrate your printer, and printout the PCB-design for home-manufacturing the PCB. SprintLayout itself has Gerber and Excellon support, so also suitable for professional manufacturing. I chose this program because it's so simple to use ( I am fond of simple things;) ), and I also use it for timng-diagrams etc.
It allows you to import a scanned copy: very usefull! I copied f.i. A recommended pcb-design for a SMPS with a MC34063, from the datasheet, imported it and re-routed the who;e as if it were a transparant:) What I don't like about it: Abacom has also a Schematic Editor, sPlan, in their productline. But there is no link between the Schematic and the Layout-program! And there are no plans to do it. Such a pitty:( The autorouter is not very usefull. Usefull links: You can find there a SprintLayout symbol library that I created for my own convenience, but feel free to use it (edit it, improve it, etc.) Contributions by: Plons.
GEDA Url: OS: pc linux/mac OS; Open source so could possibly be installed on other systems from source code. If you are a Linux user, these packages are probably available directly from your distribution's installer. With Ubuntu (Ibex) for example, just activate the Multiverse and then 'Add/Remove' or use Synaptic. Description: gEDA is a collection of open source electronic design tools. They may be installed individually but by installing gEDA you get the lot. The ones most relevant to this discussion are: * gschem schematic capture * gsch2pcb transferes information from gschem to pcb * pcb for layout * gerbv a gerber viewer.
Look at layouts Symbol repository (includes some avr) here: Usernotes: JohnWalton: Can produce other file types like ps and png. Attached is one I am working on now blackthorne: PCB is one of the most mature packages, being that it was started in 1990 on an Atari, and best free pcb tools out there. The application is feature rich, very easy to learn, has no limitations like Eagle, and blows doors over all the other packages listed here IMHO. Most importantly, PCB does include an auto-router! PCB, used in conjunction with gEDA schematic editor, is a great combination: easy to use, have huge libraries, large world-wide on-line communities, work cross-platform, and have professional industry support.
Many Aerospace companies use the gEDA suite for example. Best of all, gEDA and PCB are open source and free to use. In addition, I think gEDA and PCB are even easier than Eagle to use as well. Here are some other great resources that users considering gEDA or PCB might be interested in: * gEDA example tutorial:: a simple walk-through of how to use the tools. * community submitted symbols and footprints.
* gEDA Tool Suite on-line documentation: Usefull links: PCB-homepage: Screenshots: gEDA homepage: gEDA Wiki: Contributions by: JohnWalton, blackthorne. DipTrace URL: Freeware to Professional packages available plus affordable non-profit license. Pricing: Download: Screenshots: Compatible with Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, Linux(Wine) User comments: gr82bdad: I use DIP Trace.
I had been using PADS at my job and was let go. When I started consulting, I had to have something I could afford.
I looked at a few and found DIP Trace had all the features I used in PADS for far less $$$. The non-profit license is 4 signal layers, unlimited plane layers, and 1000 pins is $125. Commercial license of same is $345. It has an upgrade path so it can grow as your projects do. You can get a 2 signal layer package that can do 4 layer boards as long as two layers are planes only.
It included a large selection of AVR library parts - only lacking the very new stuff. Over 50,000 library parts included. It does have an auto router and auto placement tool, but I can't comment on how that works since I haven't used it yet. Like any auto router, before you press route, you have to learn how to set the rules.
It output really great GERBER files and I had boards made at Myro PCB that worked just great. DipTrace allows for very nice Bill of Material output.
You can define your own fields and even assign a link to the data sheet on the internet. Right click on the part and select the datasheet from the popup and your browser opens with the data sheet. It has the capability to panelize and import/export GERBER, DXF, net lists of all sorts and other package formats including pick and place files. You can change the schematic and update to the PCB as well change the PCB and update the schematic. The verification features allow you to check the board to the schematic and to design rules to make sure there are no errors before sending out your CAM files. The Exonerated Play Pdfs on this page. It is lacking in the connector libraries. But, with so many options, it's no wonder.
If you use D-Subs, and 0.1' pin headers a lot, you're covered. Libraries are easy to make and manage as well. If you don't have the time, you can ask Dip Trace to make a library part for a very reasonable fee. The included libraries are extensive and easy to search - if you know the part number or series.
Searching for a SMT 6 volt TVS is difficult unless you know the part number. There is a very active Yahoo group dedicated to answering questions and requesting new features. The latest release was February 2009. So they are actively improving the product. KiCAD More: Nice screenshots can be found here as well! Wiki: Required OS: Windows and Linux packages Description: Kicad includes - Schematic Editor - Schematic Library Editor - PCB Editor - PCB Modules Editor - Gerber Viewer - 3D PCB Viewer - Supports import from PADS format Wiki has a nice comparison table Eagle vs Kicad. There is also a utility for converting Eagle's libraries to Kicad.
Usernotes: SlammerA: gEDA and PCB are more mature than Kicad but I think that Kicad is much easier. I have completed 3 projects with Kicad and I am very pleased with the results.
Strong Points: - Nice GUI - Easy of use - True Cross Platform (Windows/Linux) - High quality prints - Automatic Link between SchematicPCB - Easy installation (only copy files) - Ready-Made binaries for Windows Weak Points: - Limited official Libraries (huge collection from users) - Too Basic native Autorouter, but can call directly the - No pin swap Contributions by: SlammerA. Altium Designer aka Protel and DXP Required OS: Windows XP and a powerful computer as a minimum. Description: Commercial electronics and embedded design package.
Really powerful that includes: Schematic capture and library editor. PCB design and PCB library editor. Gerber editors. VHDL and Verilog (and probably more) hardware compilers. C to Hardware compiler. C compiler for different cores (ARM, Microblaze, Nios, etc). Library generator that imports data from your company IC database.
Many more features. A nice price.:twisted: Usernotes: Guillem Planisi: I have used this package mostly for schematic capture and PCB design. I find it quite easy and productive for manual routing, with powerful rules editor and control that help too much when placing tracks.
Easy integration of schematic and PCB editor, as well as libraries editors. Libraries usually lack a lot of components. In fact, I had found that previous versions of certain libraries contained IC's and connectors that had dissapeared in the new versions. For multilayer design it is also really easy, and allow for many PCB stackup configurations. Autorouter may be a real Autodisaster if no properly configurated.
In fact, I never get a decent result from it, although I had to route manually many times due 'legal restrictions' and EMI issues. For all those issues related with clearances for mains and high voltages, currents, and so on, it's rule editor is really helpful, limiting the manual routing when tracks reach the limits imposed. The schematic hierarchy system allow to develop really huge schematics and boards, that can be partially or totally embedded into an FPGA (it also compiles from schematic to HW), and then download to the FPGA prototyping board NanoBoard, developed by Altium manufacturer. For regular users, hobbists and little companies, it may be totally overkill. I found that I use probably. Quote: LTspice IV is a high performance Spice III simulator, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for easing the simulation of switching regulators.
Our enhancements to Spice have made simulating switching regulators extremely fast compared to normal Spice simulators, allowing the user to view waveforms for most switching regulators in just a few minutes. Included in this download are Spice, Macro Models for 80% of Linear Technology's switching regulators, over 200 op amp models, as well as resistors, transistors and MOSFET models. Oddbudman's comments I use this software for simulation.
It's quick, free and comes with a handful of common transistors, optos and fets and other general components in addition to most of Linear Technology's range of ICs. Best features for me is how easy it is to quickly test ideas. It's easy to dump spice models for transistors and parts into the schematic and get results really quickly. Its also lightweight and good for quickly drawing schematics. I found that DesignSpark, PCB Artist, and Easy-PC are the same program.
I've never gotten very far with any of them so I can't confirm that Easy-PC has more features. Finding a resistor from the library is ridiculously difficult.
There are about 10 million through holes there. Every value ever made, in every wattage.
It seems to me 1 resistor of each physical size, shape and layer would suffice. It's easy to set the value on the schematic. But I was looking for SMD 0603 resistors. I once found some so labeled and put them on the schematic. Unfortunately when the PCB was made, they were on the bottom layer. I can occasionally find a generic resistor called something like R-SM, but I have to put it on the PCB to find if it is top or bottom layer and what the size is. So far they have been 0805 and I want 0603.
I found one transistor I wanted in the library. It turned out to be bottom layer too. The only success I had was a transistor I made from a similar one in the library.
It was more difficult to make the custom library to put it in than it should be. In fact PCB design programs should come with a custom library, empty of course. I'm inclined to think these programs are a sick joke. Speaking of that, Eagle seems to have been written before mice were invented and all parts on a board were TTL logic gates. If you don't have a mouse, and all the parts on your boards are TTL logic, I heartily recommend it. Most of the rest of the programs I looked at didn't have a schematic editor so I wasn't interested. The bottom line is ExpressPCB stands head and shoulders above the rest.
Mainly because of the ease of making components and also the ease of finding components in the library. This is the program I've always used.
I was hoping to find something else as good, that would error check the board against the schematic. I'll check again in 10 years, maybe something else will turn up. There may be good programs in the thousand dollar range, but that's a bit too much for an amateur. CADint PCB URL: OS: Windows, but works in Wine Version reviewed: Price: 5000 SEK to 40000 SEK, depending on the number of layers (2,4,6,10,unlimited). 5000 SEK is roughly 530 EUR at the time of writing. There's also a freeware version, and a free version for educational use. Description: This software was written with productivity in mind, which means there are shortcuts for doing pretty much everything.
This also means that not knowing all the shortcuts, it can be quite confusing to work with. In other words, the learning curve is steep but rewarding. The schematic editor is hierarchical, making it pretty easy to make huge schematic layouts.
They layout editor has an interactive routing tool, which features push and shove, differential pair and bus routing. It does not have an autorouter, but can import/export to autorouting apps. The component library is split into 4 parts, schematic symbols, pcb symbols, part references and part numbers. If you like, you can make a single part reference that represents every resistor in every package you want.
Or you can make a part number for each resistor type you are using, giving you a lot of flexibility. Designing a pcb symbol is very fast, as you usually draw a single copper pad, use the copy/repeat tool giving offsets and repeat count. Then finally use the padstack tool, to generate solder and paste masks. If you messed up the pin ordering, you can use the query tool to renumber the pins after how they are arranged. The DRC tool is very extensive for both schematic and layout. For its price, it's a very good PCB design tool.
Leon_heller wrote: They aren't the same program. DesignSpark and PCB Artist are based on Easy-PC, but have far fewer features.I have the demo version of Easy-PC. I can't save anything, the save entry in the file menu is grayed out. I remember reading about this in the demo guide. Also the 'new' entry is missing from the file menu, so I guess I can't create a schematic or PCB.
Other than that, I haven't yet seen any differences between these 3 programs. In any event it seems I need to do most of my testing with one of the other programs because the demo Easy-PC is crippled. I guess I can play around with the examples, but I can't save them. Quote: If you want to change a part from the top to the bottom you simply select it and type 'F'. When the part is on the bottom I see the pads. When I hit the magic F key it moves to the top where I see the silk screen outline and labels but I don't see the pads.
So far the only pads I see other than the SMD on the bottom are the through hole pads. It seems most of these programs were written before SMD was invented. The methods and libraries most suitable for through hole aren't suitable for SMD. I understand I can get around much of this by creating my own library, but it's been frustrating with very little help from the help menu. There are major differences between Easy-PC and the other programs - check the features on the Number One Systems web site.
There wouldn't be much point in charging for Easy-PC, otherwise. I didn't have a problem flipping an 0805 capacitor from the top to the bottom in DesignSpark, the pads are visible in both cases. I've used Easy-PC in the past to create surface-mount designs with parts on both sides without any problems. It has a good selection of parts in both SM and through-hole packages, as do the other programs. I'm beginning to like DesignSpark, etc. I put some schematic symbols and footprints in custom libraries so I could find the damn things in the future.
Then I made some components from them. So far I just copied existing things from the supplied libraries. I suppose I will be able to modify existing symbols and footprints when the need arises. I never had auto-routing, and I don't need it, but now I have it so I tried it out.
Good for a laugh. I'm especially impressed how the program connected Q1 and R2.:) Attachment(s). Johnrk wrote: The Gerber viewer I use is a trial version of Viewmate (9.4.73) offered by PentaLogix.
This program has the capability to print your entire board to scale. You had me scared for a minute. ExpressPCB can print out the board to scale and you don't have to know anything about Gerber. I use it for making templates for various purposes. But I'm thinking of switching to PCB Artist, or something similar.
I quickly drew some parallel traces on the board using PCB Artist and printed it. The scale was perfect. It's so perfect I need a precise metal machinist's scale to appreciate it.
It's considerably better than my plastic ruler and a bit better than my metal measuring tape. I use an HP D5160 inkjet. Edit: The quoted text was't mine (=Plons), but johnrk. Not sure if this really belongs here but here it goes: I've used FreePCB for a few different boards now and have really grown to like it. One thing that seems to get people is the lack or presence of a component library, while FreePCB does have a complete Ivex library that you can use, can you trust it?
For certain things like 0805 sized SMD components you may have to rely on the library, but for other things I prefer to just make the footprint from the datasheet. The footprint wizard and editor make it really simple to create your own footprints, and then you know that it is either correct, or you know exactly who to blame (must be the datasheet is wrong:roll: ) You can work with both metric and imperial measurements, it will convert them for you and seems to do a decent job of it based on my last boards which had parts in both systems and seems to have worked.
One thing I like is that you can either use drag and drop to position the components, or you can position them numerically. If you made your own footprints then you also know where the origin is for that positioning and rotation which is really important when using things like mezzanine connectors/risers where you need to be able to position them accurately so they line up with each other. (note jm4 and jm5 in attached image which is a 0.5mm spaced Hirose mezzanine both were numerically placed to mate with a second board). It can import netlists from a compatible schematic design software like TinyCad, or you can make them in a text editor, or you can go straight to dropping components on the 'board' and define the pins with a right click. You can also just connect pin to pin and let it make a sequential net for those pins. The autorouter seems to work, don't have enough experience to comment on how well it works.
If you are using a complex and tightly packed board, there may be some cleanup required in the form of shifting the position of some traces but overall it seems to work to a tolerable level. The Gerber export module is 274x and Excellon drills and also offers.png output for those people that want to toner transfer or photoresist their own boards. Ive sent the Gerbers to 4 or 5 different fabrication businesses and the only one that required any fooling around or renaming was Batch PCB. My only wish is that it would output DXF or DWG files so that I could bring them into a CAD program for making diagrams for documentation.
I found a gerber viewer called GerbView that allows you to import the gerber files and generate a DXF (not free though). I haven't looked at this post in about 6 months. This reply is for steve17 in response to a post he made on July 28. He was asking if anyone else had used Easy-PC. I have been using it for a little over 3 years. I use the 2000 pin version. I have purchased 2 upgrades to get the features that were added with the upgrades.
During the 3 years I have designed approximately 50 boards. They were all 2-layer and 4-layer boards with the exception of 2 single layer boards. I have encountered a few minor problems but Tech Support has always been quick to respond (M-F) with the solutions.
The user forum is fairly active and you can find good tips there. I use the autorouter most of them time if the board has more than about 20 components on it. I place the components on the board based on the connections between them and on over 30 years of board design experience.
My design experience goes back to the black tape and Bishop pad days. Basically what I am doing is giving the router the best chance at completing the connections. As for the autorouter, I purchased the Pro Router. The free one that comes with the program isn't very good. I actually purchased Pro Router when I was trying to design a complex board about 2 years ago.
The board was a 5X5 inch, 4-layer board with over 300 components. I let the free router try to route it. After over 12 hours of running and not completing I shut it down.
I downloaded the trial version of the Pro Router and installed it. It routed the board in less than 2 minutes. I was sold on it and placed my order. Now for the cons of the autorouter. I use it only to get the traces in place.
I then do all clean up manually. The design that the autorouter produces is not pretty and is in no way suitable for manufacturing. It does a lot of stupid things.
So plan on fixing the majority of the traces yourself. In the case of the 5X5 board above, I spent approximately 24 hours cleaning it up. But the autorouter probably saved 100 hours of putting the traces in by hand (assuming I could have pulled that off). To make a board you create the schematic first. You can make a board without a schematic but only do this for the most simple boards.
The schematic has to have all the correct parts (meaning packages) in it. If the included libraries do not have the parts you will have to create them. The parts creation process is really simple, especially if you use the wizard.
I haven't found any part that cannot be created. Someone mentioned that it could only create PIC parts but that is not true. I have a lot of AVR parts in my libraries that I created.
To make a library part you create the schematic symbol first. Then you create the pcb pad symbol. Finally you link the two together to create the actual component that is used by the program. After you design the schematic you then design the board. You use the 'Translate to PCB' tool which places all the components into a component bin similar to what Eagle does.
You then drag the components out onto the board where you want them. Once the board is complete you then run an integrity check. This insures the schematic and board match.
Next you run the connectivity check to make sure all the connections are correct. Finally your run the design rule check.
This checks to make sure there are no manufacturing violations or shorted traces. You can setup all the design rules to match what you and your board house require. The rules include things like trace to trace, trace to pad, and trace to board edge spacings. After you complete all board checks you can then generate the gerber and drill files for manufacturing purposes. I have only had problems with one board house and the gerbers. The BatchPCB house(Sparkfun) rejects the design if you have copper pours and your minimum trace size is set to 8 mils.
Increasing the minimum trace size to 10 mils will keep BatchPCB from rejecting the design. Of course this creates design rule violations in the Easy-PC DRC check if you are in fact using 8 mil or smaller traces. In this case, send an email to BatchPCB and they will manually pass the board. One thing I have learned is that if you make a design change, you need to make the change in the schematic. Then make the same changes on the PCB including updating the netlist names to match the schematic. You do not want to make the change on the schematic and forward the changes to the PCB.
That can create a huge mess. After you make the changes and do a integrity check the progam warns you that you have made board changes that have to be back annotated to the schematic. Tell the program to delete all the back annotation changes.
The integrity check can then be ran to insure everything is still in order. The learning curve for the program is not too bad. You can learn the basics fairly quickly. The more complex opertations take longer to master. I still find features occasionally that I didn't know existed.
And I have learned a lot of ways to trick the program into doing what I want it to do when I am making changes to the original board/schematic. My overall feeling is that Easy-PC is a very professional program and worth every penny I paid for it.
It is a little costly for the hobbyist but there are other free options for the hobby crowd. Even if you are a hobbyist and make a lot of boards it would probably be worth the cost of the program.
This week I needed to photoplot some old pcb files for a client so the products could be produced again.had to get out an old DOS 6.22 computer with P-CAD 5 on it. P-CAD 5 is a 1991 pcd cad program.spent $8k -$10k for it when originally purchased back in 88-93. It was made by Personal Cad Systems. Later it was sold to Accel, then Protel, and then Altium.
I am still amazed how much CAD the programmers were able to produce in a DOS computer with 640k (and XMS mem). What really makes it amazing is so many of the programs today that require todays hardware still can not offer the productivity a user could accomplish in P-CAD. I think it makes a big difference when the programmer knows you only have a finite amount of memory to get the job done, thus the cmds are simple and productive. I am amazed how fast it runs in DOS vs the $8k Cad resource hogs shipped today like Altium which I also have. Not that it matters but my memory of the Altium Pcad heritage is a bit different.I bought PCAD4 then PCAD5 back in the late 80's and it was from Personal Cad Sytems. If my memory was correct it was about $14k. Accel ended up with it but somewhere in there IBM actually owned it for a very brief period and called the IBM division Altium.
When Protel bought it from Accel they aquired the rights to the name Altium thru the purchase from Accel. At some point they renamed Protel to Altium. I think that was about the time they sold the junk bonds that grew the company. I remember the time/place/food/ and sales pitch of the origional Protel sales seminar when they tried to get PCAD users to dump PCAD and adopt Protel v1.
At the time Protel was a 16 bit app. Later it became a 32 bit app and the lab paid about $1495 for the upgrade. Over time the lab acquired the Protell98, Protel99 upgrades as well. Considering we had over $14k invested in PCAD with service updates, was not hard to justify several seats of Protel for the lab as they sold them for about $1250 each at the time.
I never really liked Protel too much. Could layout pcb's faster with PCAD using dos. Of course those old pcb's were mostly thru hole and pcad was fast for that. As the shift to SMT was made PCAD on dos became a bit cumbersome due to the geometries. There are several computers in the lab with PCAD5 and several other pcb programs including Altium 9.
This week I am transferring some old PCAD5 designs into Altium and the work on the PCAD5 part is much faster than the Altium part. At some point the lab will adopt something new but it definately will not be Altium anymore. Well thats the memory dump and the bits are flipping as time goes. At the recent Electronics expo in Melbourne RS had a stand demonstrating DesignSpark (as was Element 14 (Farnell).
Anyway I grabbed a copy of DesignSpark to compare with Eagle. At the outlook, there are quite a few things I like about DesignSpark, but it does not feel intuitive at all as I make the transition from one to the other. I have successfully converted an existing Eagle project to DesignSpark without drama. I think it will catch on.
I believe that DesignSpark V3 will be released before the end of the year with better Library support. At present the library support & AVR support is a little light on. A complete Eagle + SparkfunEagle conversion for DesignSpark has already been done and exists on the net already as well. As a new user of PCB design tools I spent lots of time reading this entire thread. Wish I could say it made my initial selection of tools easier but it did not. Almost everyone seems to be used to a particular package and then are very disappointed when their old libraries will not import to something new.
I understand that issue but as a new user I wanted to know the best package to start using. So I ended up starting a design using TinyCAD for the schematic and FreePCB (and all the third party add-on utilities) for the PC board design. After completing the simple board and not being happy with either package in terms of feature integration, flexibility, and an up-to-date user interface I decided to try the free package that seemed to have the most up-to-date releases and active support forums. So I downloaded DesignSpark 3.0 and re-did the schematic, footprints, and PCB in that new environment. Here's my assessment as a new user: While FreePCB must have been considered a solid design tool in its day, it is way far behind the implementation of DesignSpark 3.0.
Without itemizing all the pluses--and there are many--anyone who is new to PCB design and looking for a solid tool for schematic capture and PCB design should give DesignSpark a try. Their integrated Library management and search works really well (for schematic, PCB, component, and 3D objects). Even the 3D view of the board assembly has been very useful--even when my initial take on that feature was that it would not be. As a free package I'm very impressed with DesignSpark 3.0 so far. As to others who have suggested it is not intuitive I can't imagine how they feel it falls short in that regard. All I know is that compared to FreePCB, DesignSpark 3.0 is a 9/10 and FreePCB is a 4/10 on the intuitive scale for me.
(I have no stake in any tool vendors, I'm just an independent developer). Just wanted to say: I've experience with Express PCB, Eagle an Advance Circuits and Pad2Pad. I'd have to say Pad2Pad seems like the best company to use of the three for easy boards with a fair amount of options, fair price and quick turn around. I like how you can use pad2pad for colored thin boards you can cut apart with scissors where as with Express PCB the boards are very hard to cut apart.
Also with pad2pad you can get colored solder masking and silk screen any way you'd like. The colors come out excellent!
They even have controls to remove solder mask over custom designed copper pads, which is very cool an express PCB doesn't have this. You can control solder masking and copper planes any way you'd like.
Eagle is just annoyingly tough to finish a PCB you can be happy with. I'd go with express PCB for ease of use and Pad2Pad for most options over eagle any day. Although eagle boards usually come out looking the best, you can do just about anything with pad2pad that you can do with eagle.and the interface is very similar to express PCB. One thing I like about express PCB is they finally got in the option to add a ground plane throughout your board that makes things look a lot more professional and less noisy. They didn't used to have this option when I started using their service. I think a noob could draw a PCB with this program over night without any explanation from the experienced.
But Pad2Pad is more friendly for the frequent designer. Better options, still very easy to use free software. I have several years experience with both options an both are highly recommended for average Hobby use. It seems like about $50USD will get you a run of tan no older mask no silk screen boards an about $100-$120 should buy you some decent space on some colored boards with silk screen. It's very rare for me to spend more than $150 on a run of boards. And I usually have tons of boards laying around after for years.
Try to design with 'flexibility' in mind. Stuff you can use for years. If your doing proprietary stuff, do as few boards as you need and purchase more later if needed.
Too many proprietary boards laying around is no help. Also, fill your empty board space up with different sized prototyping and 'breadboard-like' PCB's. These always come in handy later. Especially breakout component boards. These you can even sell on ebay if you have overrun. Make sure you save your GOOD and FINISHED PCB files to disk for later use.
The robot in my avatar, I lost his PCB file yeas ago in a system format and would have to draw it all over again from scratch if I wanted more PCB's of that robot.:roll: SAVE YOUR FINISHED PCB FILES TO EXTERNAL DISK! Then email yourself a second copy for the 'save' folder in your email box.
For cutting PCB's apart, If you didn't get them routed but still want to tile a bunch of PCB's up on a board for cheap, Go buy an expensive (+-$8USD) pair of good LARGE Fiskars scissors from Walmart, put on some leather gloves and some safety glasses and chop the PCB's apart yourself! You can even cut the very thick PCB's from express PCB in this manner with a bit of care. Last piece of advice on designing circuit boards: HAVE FUN!
Drawing up PCB's is my favorite part of my hobby of electronics! 8) Here is SOME of the PCB's I have drawn. I've even used it for mechanical designs like walking servo robots and ball bearing gearboxes. (Right click and press view image to enlarge). Quote: The thin boards sounds good but not good enough to go through the trouble to switch from ExpressPCB. I almost always put multiple circuits on a board and cut them up. I used to use a hacksaw but I read the glass dust was bad for the lungs so now I score and snap.
I always put a series of holes where I want to cut or snap, but maybe I'll try without the holes. No, but control of solder mask is very much a great reason to go from express PCB to Pad 2 Pad. Thin boards actually can help where weight is concerned too. Some companies will do paper thin flexible boards!
Another good thing about Pad 2 Pad is they will route your PCB's for you or tab/score/tile them. With the colors, routing/soring/tabs, thickness adjustments, solder mask controls and basically a similar interface that is easy to use, I have to give Pad 2 Pad the heads up. Although Express PCB is a great service and I have used them many more times than Pad 2 Pad. Really you can't go wrong either way. Depending on what you need done. If you need to cut or sand PCB's at home, do so outside with full cover eye protection and breather mask, then wash off after you are done and you will be just fine. Been cutting these things up for years.
Just have to be safe about it.:wink. Adding more info on DipTrace: Contrasting, several of the 'free' PCB software packages only produce proprietary output files that lock you into a particular board manufacturer. DipTrace does NOT do that. For the small price you pay to get it, it produces output that is fully portable and fully standardized. The schematic tool works fine. It is not very high resolution, nor very sophisticated. However, it interacts with the layout program.
You may also build your own libary parts, both the logical view and the physical view. The physical view that you use from the library, or that you add to the library, links to the part used in the schematic. From the schematic, you can go to the board placement routine and set up the board physical paramters, then run autoplacement, and then autoroute. I do not really have a basis for comparison for the autoroute, but the DipTrace offers a lot of options for autoroute, such as locking in certain traces that you lay in manually, setting the copper planes, enforcing boundary edge spacing, and a host of other things. DipTrace has good support.
I believe their team is in Ukraine. They respond quickly by email to answer questions. I had very good help during my learning curve.
Finally, the learning curve IS easy. I tried Eagle and found it to be too cryptic and time consuming. For an Eagle devotee, the CLI seems powerful.
But to someone in a hurry, DipTrace is the way to go. Orcad for schematic capture. (Orcad is made by Cadence) OrCAD Lite Overview OrCAD Lite Limits (74kB) via ARRL (American Radio Relay League) Circuit Simulation and Analysis by Dr Saeid Moslehpour. OrCAD Lite is nearly 1GB; via download or by DVD.
OrCAD might run on Linux: WineHQ Orcad 16.x Data per the template: URL: Having issues with your download? Price: zero for Lite. Cost: address, e-mail address, telephone number. Required OS: Microsoft Windows, possibly Linux by Wine. Description: Operator notes: Useful links: Attached: Edit: sale.
Its on my agenda to get it running, busy with too much stuff first. Years back I wrote the geda plugin to export/import dsn files, used freerouting on many professional projects (don't tell my clients their design was uploaded to the internet!) Even if something has to be hand routed, running it thru freerouting would come up with some great answers I didn't think of. I tried talking to professional pcb layout people about using it, but it threatens their careers so they don't want to hear about any autorouting. A roundabout way is Gerber to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), vector graphics editor, export to Gerber and drill. Gerbv - A Free/Open Source Gerber Viewer. Gerbv can export a layer image to PNG,.ps,.pdf, and.svg, both from within the GUI as well as via a command line switch (cairo version only).
Boldport/pcbmode GitHub A printed circuit board design tool with a twist PCBmodE is a printed circuit board design Python script that creates an SVG from input files, and then creates and Excellon files for manufacturing. PCBmodE documentation states it's only for two layers. AutoTRAX DEX - FREE: No pin limits, no sheet limits, no layers limit, no PCB size limit. The Free version of AutoTRAX DEX.
This is the non-commercial (not for profit) version. It is the identical version as the commercial version. There is only one binary program.
The only restriction is that it must be used for non-commercial projects. There is no demo program; there’s no need! • You do not need to register for the free software. • It does not have a time limit. • There is no limit to the number or size of sheets.
• There are no layer limits or PCB size limits. • There are no adverts for PCB board manufacturers. • The BOM does not ‘guide’ you to a major component distributor. Unlike other EDA programs, DEX has just one simple to understand price for commercial use. Non-commercial use is totally free with no limits except it must be used for non-commercial use.
Simply put, non-commercial use is totally free, commercial use is not. If you are making $$$ out of your design then it is only fair that you pay an equally fair single price.
Now that's a refreshing change! Regards Iliya Kovac, Developer of AutoTRAX DEX Spreading the joy. Iliya when your program was first released I was excited because you took up the name of the Protel program I was using and I thought that, at least, one could import and use years of REAL Autotrax files but, from memory, that was not the case. Has this changed?
I ended up purchasing RIMU because I could just import Autotrax files, the schematics were not so good but the PCBs work very well and I can simply import components, both schematics and PCB layouts. May need a bit of massaging but otherwise they import well. Here is my short opinion about software that I have tested: * EAGLE: - Pros: free version available, very popular, lot of libraries, lot of components available, easy switch to PCB design,relatively small program. Altium now jumping onto the 'community'/'maker' free tools bandwagon: Altium has announced an open beta programme for their community-driven PCB design tool.
CircuitMaker will be available worldwide to all interested electronics designers, and aims to address the needs of the electronics maker and hobbyist community with a free software offering. Anyone interested in participating in the open beta can register now at the CircuitMaker website, with invitations being sent out from week of May 18th, 2015.