Install Flash Operator Panel Asterisk War

Description Administrative Console (all non-scripting) CreateWebserver issued thru administrative console is not mapping all existing deployed applications. Swedish characters are not displayed correctly in the administrative console. Need warnining message when uninstalling running enterprise applications Change the administrative console error message displays Add functionality to perform LDAP Search function from the administrative console When stopping an application the administrative console shows extraneous error about a web server. ✓ Potential cross-site scripting in WebSphere Application Server Admin Console (CVE-2016-8934) Console getting blank page when clicking on rollout update. Bind password is 'pre-populated' incorrectly in VMM panel and authentication error comes up Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) Unable to map web module with multi-line display name to server. ✓ Potential security vulnerability in IBM WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2015-0254) Using @ReportAsSingleViolation with custom constraint results in errors.
V8.0 Centralized Installation Manager SSH connection failure Add ability to move messages from exception destination to the original destination via wsadmin OAuth2 provider expired tokens are not removed when database is incompatible with its SQL queries The XQuery function fn:current-dateTime() returns a value with less accuracy than required by the standard Apache Wink code does not remove quotes from the boundary value.content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary='simple boundary' WebSphere controller region abends with 0C4-11. Thread-safety issue in the underlying (Apache) JSF 2.0 code causes webcontainer threads to hang XCIUnsupportedOperationException occurs during copy process for simple type elements. ✓ Potential cross-site scripting in WebSphere Application Server Admin Console (CVE-2016-8934) Performance Monitoring Tools Rollback Batik library to 1.6.1 because it breaks Intelligent Management charting Plug-in Improve plugin messages for file related errors Improve the web server plugin logging to show ephemeral port on existing connections. IPlanet static contents returned 503 status code when it has plug-in configured. ESI caching errors Plugin generation for a mixed environment can not generate newer properties plug-in not handling ServerIOTimeout correcty to mark down a server when ESI caching is enabled. Unable to select SSL protocol TLSv 1.0, TLS 1.1, or TLS 1.2 for the web server plugin Error: Error accessing safkeyring:///keyring a component of path does not name an existing file or path is empty string Plugin writes Version information to the ihs error_log in hex on z/OS. ✓ Potential security vulnerability in WebSphere Application Server if FIPS140-2 is enabled CVE-2016-0306 Memory leak was detected when stopping an application.
Unexpected GPF exception BOSSNAP Error WSVR0100W is not providing enough information about why the server fails to start. Trim white space from ssl.client.props property values to prevent errors.
Installing Asterisk. What Packages Do I Need? Linux Package Requirements. Obtaining the Source Code. Obtaining Asterisk Source Code; Extracting the Source. The Flash Operator Panel; Asterisk Development with Adhearsion. A New Approach to Dialplans; Asterisk Development with Adhearsion; Installing Adhearsion.
Message CWPKI0045E is not displaying properly. AdminTask.exportSAMLSpMetadata may fail when exporting SAML service provider metadata NullPointerException for wasadmin AdminTask.mapUsersToNamingRole. ✓ Potential code execution vulnerablity in WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2016-5983) SAML web SSO admintask command importSAMLidpmetadata fails Security auditing enabled log in calls via wsadmin are not being logged when using security_authn. Remove 3DES ciphers from default cipher list NullPointerException when printing error in WSX509TrustManager Unnecessary setCookie header might be set after applying interim fixes for PI62375. Servlet Engine/Web Container A redirect using an URI relative to the current request URL redirects to the wrong URL A NullPointerException may occur during application deployment with the precompile JSP option selected. A 404 error might be generated when using redirectToWelcomeFile Remove Struts from WebSphere Application Server. ✓ Bypass security restrictions in WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2016-0385) System Management/Repository Corruption in administrative console.
Application will not start, can not access console. Web Services Security Not enough information provided when a custom class is not found in SAML Web SSO More diagnostics required when RelayState is invalid in SAMLResponse SAML response information might display in browser. Description Administrative Console (all non-scripting) Attempting to update an application from the administrative console returns Error 500 and NumberFormatException 'Generic Servers' might remain as 'defunct' processes in the system after being stopped. Referenceables parameter is missing in the command generated by command assistance The console does not indicate when a new user is being created when adding a primary admin user.
Administrator role unable to see the CORBA naming service users permissions Renewing a personal certificate in RSA token keystore does not update a certificate alias name in security.xml. JMX client fails to connect with ClassNotFoundException: Server running dpmanager won't shut down on z/OS Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT) $AdminApp edit fails with java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException Data Replication Services Message CWWDR0008E runtime exception occured: Unable to locate replication domain does not include the name of the domain.
Description Administrative Console (all non-scripting) Un-registering deployment manager from job manager causes trust.p12 to become an empty file Not able to modify or select activation spec custom property Port assignment issues Admin page being cached locally WMQ activation specification showing wrong infromation in the administrative console. Exception thrown when trying to display an error for invalid provider type for a JDBC provider. Can not remove TAI from security domain Administrative console reports status of a running application as partial start after server restart. System Management/Repository Deploying oversized ear file fails to transfer to node configuration through FileTransfer service.
Description 100% CPU Usage NullPointerException thrown from compensation service org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL in Activity Service Compensation scope log grows steadily until LogFullException following XAER_RMERR from CScope XAResource Application server abends S0C4-0004 after segmentation error with dump event 'GPF' during the server startup. JAX-RPC request fails with SOAPFault with faultcode MustUnderstand Exception while importing activity may leave activity on thread WSAT transaction failed when using JDBC and JPA together Administrative Console (all non-scripting) Cross-site scripting issues in the administrative console 404 error should not display information BLA scoped resource not removed from authorization group after J2EE application or BLA is uninstalled The server port assignment during an application server creation was not based the server template provided. NullPointerException while trying to access datasource via administrative console Monitor users have access to test connection DSRA3602E error when argument Duser.language set in administrative console when creating JDBC datasource Application deployment fails with 'Websphere FileBrowser MBean not found. Node agent may not be running.' #ERROR# is prefixed to IBM HTTP Server's ServerName directive when updated in the administrative console under global directives Information Disclosure in WebSphere Application Server Right to Left Bi-Di does not work for Contents and Filtering section of Logs and Traces.
Conflicting DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS port generated by wsadmin command when creating cluster members concurrently Administrative console affected by Apache commons fileupload vulnerability Connection timeout property of SOAP client ineffective in some cases Several console panels do not display correctly with Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 List of servers to map application modules to is an unsorted list and hard to navigate. IBM HTTP Server Detailed list of APARs for IBM HTTP Server. Install Upgrading the AppClient overwrites property files including the ssl.client.props file. Java 2 Connectivity (J2C) Incorrect listing of connection factories after RAR update Format the FFDC data from J2C Dump connection pool data when J2CA0045E occurs Failed to create RA configuration in a mixed cell environment with V5.1.1 node Java Message Service (JMS) Update IBM WebSphere MQ JCA resource adapter to version Connection information set in the trust manager is not quite right,it is showing proxy info instead of actual host/port. FFDC error when running Tivoli Integrated Portal (TIP) on Embedded WebSphere (eWAS). Invalid call toWsByteBuffer method NullPointerException at after PM92408 AIO TCP channel could hang on Microsoft Windows operating systems The cookie does not get set in the browser Request fails when renegotiation is triggered Transaction log directory with trailing blank fails allocation on Microsoft Windows Messge WMSG0902E issued when starting WebSphere Application Server z/OS in recovery mode.
WebSphere Application Server starts open for e-business yet WMSG1623E was issued by MQ series Java SDK Potential Security vulnerability with JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0 JSF MyFaces NavigationHandler throws a NullPointerException if current ViewId is null Setting converterId breaks converter selection by type. JNDI/Naming ConcurrentModificationException in naming class when enabling trace. Null returned for EJB reference after server restart. JSP Tag attribute creates unnecessary string objects JSP compile errors due to regular expressions after upgrading to JSP gets re-compiled redundantly if the owner of the JSP class is different than server id that runs the server. Problem when commons-el and java stand tag library are used in conjunction Liberty Potential Cross-site scripting vulnerability on OAuth Migration WASPostUpgrade fails when migrating a node in place Generated application migration script does not account for certain characters in application edition names. Migrating a library which points to the profile's config directory causes WASpost to fail. Description 100% CPU Usage Transactions rolled back silently when coordinated by the UOWManager Issues with messaging engine not starting up during server start Propagate transaction timeout to XAResources WS-AT not rolling back when an exception occurs thrown by ActivityServiceServerInterceptor.receive_request.
FFDC Exception:java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException CWPOL0040E UnsupportedNamespaceException when a WSDL file asserts a WS-Policy namespace prior to version 1.5 Compensation Service enablement of Highly Available IORs when HA enabled via System Property WS-AT incorrectly rolledback if requester and provider resides on same JVM, due to missing header tag in response WS-Addressing headers processed at requester on web service response when effective WS-Addressing configuration is disabled Unexpected results of transaction recovery service in relation to HA mgr. Timing issue between an application running under a given ActivitySession can cause IllegalStateExceptions Administrative Console (all non-scripting) InvalidCharacterError popup using Internet Explorer 10 while changing log level Cross-site request forgery in administrative console JSP compile errors occur if V8 attributes are referenced on V7 nodes. NullPointerException from internationalization service I18N9002E Nodeagent might not restart appserver if the log_root environment variable is changed Allow i-Series webserver configuration to select SSL communications like other operating systems J2CA0008W custom property maxPoolDepth of Activation Spec Cannot view the J2C connection factories using the administrative console. Thin admin client returns incorrect java version Provide ability for MBeanFactory.findMBean() to search only the local z/OS servant process. Create web server defintion using mapping all does not create plugin-key.kdb when mapping error occurs. Difficulty determining root cause of java.lang.Errors on Node Agents or Deployment Managers does not contain adminAgent among the list of servers. Persistent timeout should be moved under persistent connections in the administrative console Need better message so user knows sync started does not mean the sync finished.
No cluster members displayed under replication domain members in the administrative console Potential cross-site scripting in administrative console Nodesync command might fail when hotRestartSync JVM argument is in use Optionally disable port activity checking when a server is created. Pipe characters are translated incorrectly when editing an httpd. Packard Bell Imedia S3810 Software. conf file in the administrative console on z/OS. After adding a new userid to a role in the administrative console, the returned list of userids contains duplicates. Validation of certain HTML rendering in the administrative console is not passed through an output filter. Security No cache control headers were received from WebSphere Application Server OAuth. When launching WebService client using Java Web Start, NoClassDefFoundError was thrown for URLHandlerClass Using RSA authentication with hw crypto fails with javax.crypto.BadPaddingException SECJ0338E UnixRegistryException: not a valid group Standalone LDAP failover settings not used for admin authorization modifications LDAP search might fail when base DN is blank.
Administrative console should show any explicitly chosen cert labels in the SSL repertoire even if RACF query is slow or fails When the admin registry does not match the server domain user registry and user does not exist logon fails RTC environment has excessive reauthentications when configured to use SPNEGO Server cannot write to keystore file running AdminTask.exportSAMLSpMetadata request against RACF keyring During console keystore creation, validation failed: both password and verify password were not supplied. Provide an option to skip canonical lookup for a specific HostName during SPNEGO Single signon Sporadic deadlock on JVM startup CSIv2 session cache not taking GlobalSecurity and SecurityDomain into account. JNDI connection pooling does not work for SSL connection.
The value for allowAppAuthMethodFallback is always displayed as true in security trace. SMF auditing on z/OS no longer emits audit records out to SMF Issues with dynamic SSL Custom Realm changed to protocol_iiop_daemon_listenIPAddress incorrectly 13/08/30 ptf pechange Tivoli prerequisite component to update the TAM files. Invalid signature error while verifying newly generated ltpatoken. Potential Cross-site scripting vulnerability Single Sign On might not work when multiple security domain is enabled. Services Component Architecture SCA project validation throws NoClasDefFoundError Servlet Engine/Web Container Filter invoked mutliple times if filter mapped to multiple URLs When @PostConstruct is defined on the base and overridden by the subclasses, the annotated subclass method is invoked twice.
Async servlet lost original identity after resume Issues with download of files greater than 8Gb. Potential Cross-site Scripting vulnerability OutOfMemory in webcontainer RRD due incorrect method equals. Servlet unavailable when accessing file resources System Management/Repository Running AdminTask.extractConfigProperties task of was.admin.ConfigCommands does not produce the correct output StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown while running AdminTask.valiateConfigProperties command.
Description 100% CPU Usage There is no mechanism to adjust the frequency that WS-RM sends MakeConnection requests and re-transmits application messages.
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